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"I've always had a deeply embedded suspicion of political structures, of governments and the way people are used by them." - Harold Pinter 

Harold Pinter Nobel Prize Speech 2005

Pinter called himself a "conscientious objector" to the Second World War, and such did not enlist. 


Among other strongly-held political beliefs, Pinter was opposed to the US invasion of Iraq. He expressed this opposition in a lecture entitled "Art, Truth and Politics"  when he won the 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature. 

Despite this, Pinter refrained from making his plays overtly political, calling any play with an explicit point of view "dead from the beginning", and expressing his dislike for "the stage being used "as substitute for the soapbox", saying that it would affect the depth of his characters. He once said: "Nothing I have written...nothing ever, is political." (Fraser, 105) 

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